What does Admission To LRCS Look Like?
Admission to Lake Region Christian School is determined by a personal interview with the administration. To set up your interview, fill out the Admission Inquiry Form found on this page. This is to determine a student’s interest in academic and spiritual matters, determined by academic placement tests for elementary students, and the general attitude toward the school and its policies from the prospective student.
We desire to educate as many young people as possible but know that class size may limit admission. We are not equipped to handle students with substantial learning disabilities (students with IEPs), severe emotional problems, or an uncooperative spirit toward policies and discipline.
What Steps Do Families Need to Take?
Families must agree to abide by school policies and assist the school in supporting school officials in implementing and enforcing its policies.
We ask all parents, middle school students, and high school students to read the LRCS handbook and sign and return a statement indicating they have read the handbook.
It is expected that students of LRCS shall be of the highest moral character and be obedient to all Biblical principles including but not limited to prohibitions against fornication, drug use, alcohol use, pornography, and homosexuality.

Admissions Policy
Lake Region Christian School admits students of any race, color, national, and ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs, and activities at the school. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, and national or ethnic origin in administration of our educational, admission, scholarship, athletic, and other school administered programs.
To get started with an interview, the first step is to fill out the Admission Inquiry form so we can get a meeting set up!
Find more forms below. If you can't find something you need, give us a call at 218-828-1226. We're here to help!